Friday, April 10, 2009


It is gloomy inside as it is outside now. I don't know somehow most of the days I don't find anything to cheer up and be happy and this is having an effect everywhere in all my actions, talk and even writing. Kind of a block.

Funny thing in Singapore poor guy dixi had to tag along with we luckkha guys (Abhinav Chintamani and Ankur Bhargava, Kanika and Pawan had the late office on Tuesday). Dixi and I sat for almost 8 hours hopping from one place to other, others joined us in between. As usual, since IITians were around, so calling people and waking them up begin and as usual it was pc poor guy sleeping hard after on a Monday night. I don't remember what I spoke but all was ok typical stuff. Anyways I was celebrating Charu's Bday :P.

Otherwise Singapore trip was waste. My point here is why don't people listen and just think that they have experience so what they are doing is good. I am fed up with this poking business. Anyways doesn't matter I Don't care for that. With 5 years in this company and 2 years in sales with the new bosses I am good.

Life's Good. All in family sat together for 4 hours. This was good, something really good when all sat together and had meals together. No parallels for it. Shopping for my sis and mom and Charu. Met Charu as well but was a very short running visit. Some strange things or Taboos but I believe they are good (At least in my case). It is fun talking to her but at times difficult.

Anyways I think I am doing sufficiently good so at least should be rewarded accordingly and this is what is killing me. I don't know seriously from small issues to big ones...whatever as somebody says keep trying and improving its a long way and there might be better things :)

Cheerio & Patience is Key